Experience of AWA


* For the first time, I had the experience of doing nothing. All the time I was very relaxed, in presence, without any effort. I experienced an unexpected miracle: the movement happened on its own, and I felt like a fish. I accepted that everything is possible.

* I felt an unexpected joy without reason, I felt that I was forgiven, that I was good ... it was not an explosive joy but a calm joy.

* In the water, I liberated myself of old anxieties connected with the relationship I had with my mother and daughter... the contact with others made me feel that there are also other alive bonds.

* Your teaching was a beautiful experience for me. It amazes me, more and more of how Awareness is always within us, ready to be discovered as the most natural thing that can be. Vitality is joy, it is the immense and vibrant gift to be discovered in every moment, The water cradled me, opened and expanded me. Water and breath were just one thing. Time was not time, eternity was eternity. I will never be able to describe what I felt, perhaps there is a word that can make the idea: this word is LOVE.